Question for married people.

I'm not sure that bravery enters into it. I might just lack the imagination necessary to tell, ahead of time, just how knackered I'm going to be all the time. Memories of that sort of thing fade. It's probably the only reason our species has persisted.

EDIT: And it sounds like congratulations are in order! Good for you!
It's hard work at times, no doubt about it. I think the fact that you are aware of the potential difficulties, what you may see as your own quirks that might get in the way, shows a great amount of insight.

Being open to counselling is good too, IMO, it can be a difficult process but being willing to give it a try is a big step in itself.

Good luck with things and remember two years? It's a blink of an eye fella.
Been through a similar situation years ago. Being married, you need to pick your battles. If you win all the time, you'll lose on the intimacy and friendship part. I let her win and eventually she came around to my point of view.
It's disturbing that the 'snip' clinic in Birkenhead was on Balls Road. Who'd do that?!
Hey Ap,

you will be fine bro, the triplets arrived when I was 44, and had well and truly thought my parenting days were done. The only major hassle has been that I am gradually being crippled by the experience (it is an epic amount of lifting, kind of like having a set of constantly growing kettle bells), but well, its a bit of an extreme circumstance - so work on that core strength my good man!

Oh, and team, I had the snip BEFORE all of this. Suffice to say life can change in ways that you can't anticipate (and going back on things can be.... interesting..). While the whole thing has been tough, oddly enough it seems to have brought my wife and I closer together, rather than further apart - which was definitely my experience with my older daughter and my first wife.

Ero-senin, everything all the folks are saying here about talking about stuff is the key. Talk till it starts to get boring if needs be, but never, ever stop.

Probably the same I mean Dr I saw, the one who didn't use enough local anaesthetic on me!
Does getting snipped have any effect on testosterone production? I don't like the whole idea of getting snipped.
Which Doctor was it? Did he use a Sonic Screwdriver? I didn't even know it could be used for such nefarious purposes. It would certainly explain why the Daleks are so angry all the time.
AND just what are you insinuating?

No it doesn't as far as I know, I have noticed I've started to buy more shoes since having it done hold on!!!

Just make sure they anaesthetise the right bits up to the right level! The last thing you want is them cutting bits inside you that aren't anaestised, trust me.
Someone needs to develop a male birth control pill. It'd yield great results for everyone. And I wouldn't even have to sneak it into the next mornings omelettes.*

*Just kidding on that last sentence but I really am in favour of a male version of the birth control pill.
They didn't offer the IV valium Dean?

Seriously, that was almost enough to make me want to go back again, not so much that I couldn't tell anything was going on, as that I really didn't care. At all.

Hear you on the shoe thing though, was beginning to wonder if it was just me.....

Think I'm going to have to give this one a miss as I have lots of shoes, more than I have children and the overwhelming need to buy more footware would eventually present a storage issue. I shall continue to avoid the opposite sex as best I can to negate the idea of needing the operation. It should be easy now I'm a grandad
Local anaestic, that's all. On the one side though he didn't inject it deep enough or in the right amount, not sure what exactly, so I while I didn't feel him cutting through the outer layer of skin I certainly did feel it when he started cutting and tying tubes off.
They think they've got one down. It had successful animal tests last year. Not sure if its in human trials yet or not
There is no major effect on Test production, some studies have shown a small increase however.