Racism in Judaism Towards Blacks?


New member
Aug 13, 2011
I have read that small number of jewish people helped during the civil rights era. And of course we are all aware of the holocaust. So, it's not like the Jewish People are racist or anything. My question is in regards to the religion itself. I heard somewhere that in the talmud and from interpretations of famous jewish scholars that Blacks are considered cursed. And also, that kaballah people think that Blacks are demons. I am not sure if any of this is true. But, I ran into a debate and am curious if anyone has any answers on any of this. It would be nice to have some info to say that these things are wrong. Any info to debate such things would help. Thanks.
answer: the answers by some are outright lies and their links are to offensive racist websites.

If Jews are racist, why were there airlifts to Ethiopia to rescue BLACK (African) Jews to Israel when it became known that they were being abused by their Christian and Muslim neighbors? Why were Jews heavily involved in the Civil Rights movement if Judaism is racist, including many rabbis that study the Torah and Talmud daily?

No, Blacks are not considered cursed.
I have just read the "expose" of Grace ..

The only people laughing at Samy beng an israelite were non israelites, we had no problem with it, dark colored people are us, this is a well known fact among israelites, this Grace, God bless you, but you got them facts wrong.. it does look like we israelites do not know our people, some DNA test were done, not too long ago, but it was not about the color of a skin, it was about the authencity of a claim that had been done some 40 years ago by a tribe in India that claimed to come from Menachim.. It turned out that they are ! end story I am sure so why mixed the stories up ?

About the original question now:

This one is "an old one" , I have heard the same about how Ethiopian people are mistreated in Israel, not getting jobs and the likes of that.. I was there myself, the security in Jerusalem was often done by people from Ethiopia, no discrimination right there, any job in Israel is as good as the other since there is a lot of people out of jobs there.

Then in the Torah itself, the wife of Moses ,named Siphorah, is as "dark colored skin" as you want, call it yourself a color, you're good at it.. we ourself are quite dark in any other country, so once in Israel where the sun is not shy, we get quite a dark skin, except for those that stay inside ...

I do not know why you should bring an issue that is provocatively suggesting that we might be racists.. we that are ourself discriminated ! this is irony at its best ... kaballah ? which one are you talking about, real kaballah if you have to ask such question as this one , then it means that you did not study it, real kabbalah is for real people, they are not on Yahoo Q/R to be found, I doubt that very much.

To resume, I am an israelite, I have never heard of we as a racist nation/people, not from the torah and certainly not by Kaballah, find something else to "black us up "

2 mister banner
You're way off with your quote, do you think to have some exclusivity to read the Zohar ? in which language you read it? could it be modern arab ? there is no reference as the snake being black in there !
2 the muslim nazi "princess" : you might want to start you own site with your own citations of the coran, a religion created by some pedophile instituing the death of 1000 faces if you are leaving his doctrine ? someone whom rape his own slaves? men, women and boys alike ? what should I listen to you at all, keep your poisoned references or apply it to your own so call religion!