Real World Hollywood How do you perceive Kim?

Kim the southern bell?or the dark haired girl with the bf back home? sorry I kinda forget who is who.
EDIT: Well i liked her at first but after a few things she said she kinda put me off a little, she said something about being shocked that a nice, goodlooking guy can come from Detrot (she was talking about one of her housemates) it put me off cause seems like she is very closed minded and maybe kinda sheltered...i mean seriously good and bad ppl come from all over the world. Then last nights comment about when she was fighting with the other girl she said "lets not be ghetto" i really dont think she met it to be racist cause she did say that the other girl said she gets "ghetto" when she is mad, but I think her using that word may not have been the best choice of words. Idk she not my fav person but not my most hated either...guess just have to see how the rest of the shows go. Just currious what does everyone think of the dark haried chick? cause from the start I didnt like her something about her set me off...but as i watch the show i dislike her even more lol. K ill shut up now lol
I think she is ignorant and narrow minded! I can't believe she said stuff like "I'm surprised someone from Detroit is so nice and cute" or calling the way Bri acted "ghetto".
The "blackville" comment annoyed me also. I'm white but from NYC and I have come in contact with people from all over the world...hopefully this experience will open her eyes and not make her sound like a sheltered ignorant girl.