"Recession Officially Ended June 2009" so what will rightwingers whine about now?


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Sep 12, 2008
"Recession Officially Ended June 2009" so what will rightwingers whine about now?

Yes, recovery is slow. Yes, we need more jobs. But the recession is officially over. What will they whine about now?

“WASHINGTON – The longest recession the country has endured since the Great Depression ended in June 2009, a group that dates the beginning and end of recessions declared Monday.
The National Bureau of Economic Research, a panel of academic economists based in Cambridge, Mass., said the recession lasted 18 months. It started in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. Previously the longest post World War II downturns were those in 1973-1975 and in 1981-1982. Both of those lasted 16 months.
The NBER decision makes official what many economists have believed for some time, that the recession ended in the summer of 2009. “

In terms of GDP, it is correct to say that the recovery started almost exactly at midnight, July 1 of last year.

But here's the deal: since later that month, when Obama claimed credit, he has owned the economy. He can't take credit for the good and blame others for the bad; yet that is exactly what he has tried to do.

Since July of 2009, there has been no legitimacy in blaming Bush for any economic woes whatsoever (including the costs of war, which Democrats have fundamentally had control over since January of 2007).

Obama must also take ownership of unemployment. We were told the unemployment figures would stay in a certain range with the stimulus, and they have not.

I would like to see Obama man-up and demonstrate a little spine. And that is nothing new.
How about these:

- 9.6% unemployment rate
- Back to back $1.4 Trillion deficits, with more Trillion dollar deficits on the horizon.
- A Stimulus Act that utterly failed to achieve its goals.
Rightwingers wont accept this. They wanna blame Obama forever, even though it was Bush who caused it
Good call 0 and let him know we do not need any more stimulus, or lack of.
That's nice. Now, when will we see real economic recovery? Just because a group of people made that statement does not make it true and does not mean their is really a recovery. Many others are still talking about a double dip recession.
This isn't something that a liberal should want to put out there...If the recession had truly been over for that long, it would only prove that Obama and the Dem-controlled congress are destroying our economy and job growth...

Only rich people and welfare people are unaware of how bad our economy is, because it doesn't really affect them...Enjoy your food stamps...The rest of us (in the REAL world) are barely able to afford food right now
That is funny stuff. .. let's see you sell your house. .. or buy groceries. .. or buy a car. .. or anything you used to do when we had a good economy. . .

Then we can talk about the "end" of the recession.

We are in for an economic collapse like the country has NEVER seen before. It scares the crap out of me.

Oh. . and by the way. .. are these the same expert economists who told us the economy was a-ok a couple of years ago?
The left loves nothing more than a kool-aide drinker who believes every word that comes out of the DNC's mouth. Good job. Do you work for them, or just worship them?
And combat operations are over in Iraq too.

Try telling that to the troops in Iraq now.
Over and over again with this.

Government spending makes up a portion of the GDP, and when you inflate that number, you inflate the GDP, therefore, by using the GDP as the indicator, of course we've "come out of a recession" by definition, but really, do you honestly think it's a good thing the way we did it?

That's like trying to make a fund-raising goal, missing it by a ton but then filling it in with your own money that you really shouldn't be spending just for the purposes of being recognized as reaching your fund-raising goal.
The democrats and the democrat supporting news media will say anything. Unemployment is pushing near 10%.... there is no recovery ending, no whan we spend and borrow and all the things you have been countering all this time. the stuff still exists. The economy still stinks.