Red Or Brown???????


Apr 9, 2008
That immortal question, inspired by the job thread of richdog,

So are you a HP lover or a freaky red??? And why??????
Depends on what I am eating.

If I am eating sausage, bacon or sausage and bacon sarnies, it is brown.

Anything else is red.

However, I eat more sarnies than anything else, so my vote is broooon!
I'd go mostly red, but you can't beat the odd spot of HP.

JTiedes - HP sauce (HP stands for Houses of Parliament as this is where it was originally created) is a ketchup consistency sauce - brown, vinegary and full of spices - not Hot, just flavoursome and tangy - hard to explain really, but is a staple in bacon sarnies and fry-ups.
Have a look at this;


There are many imitators but only one true sauce!
Bloody great post mate. The choice of sauce seperates the men from the boys.

HP SAUCE OWNS. I have it on pretty much everything. A good sarnie, pie, chips.

Tomato sauce is for little kids, HP is the PWNAGE.

Truth be told, Tobasco is the best.
Bacon sandwich: HP on one piece of buttered bread, a little english mustard on the other. Preferably fried over an open fire on the beach. Mmmmmm.

Tomato ketchup only belongs with chips.
I'm going to guess HP is some form of steak sauce or an off kind of worcestershire. Regardless it looks more to my liking that ketchup. Hate that stuff unless it's mixed with worcestershire.
HHAHAHAHAH nice avatar.

Yeh, HP and Tobasco are the only codements that you need. If you can get some nandos hot sauce, then use that aswell.
Oh yea Tabasco rocks in all of it's varients. The garlic and chipotle are the best.
Trust me, best tasting pizza you will ever have. Its got the beautfiul garlic taste (perfect for pizza) with the peppery spice that gives the pizza the best background heat.
I've never tried eating any sort of sauce on sausage or bacon (i'm in the U.S. though). Might have to see if I can get ahold of some Hp after hearing it described though. The only description I read on this site makes it sound kind of like steak sauce. Is that close at all, or do I just need to go buy some?