Roger Federer Vs Andy Murray?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Does anyone feel that Murray's matches against Federer are one sided? I don't feel their one sided with anyone else, e.g. Nadal or Djokovic, cause those matches are always quite close and long. However, in the Australian open 2013 semi final, everyone made it out that Murray was annihilating Federer. Is this actually the case? Would you say Murray is going to dominate Federer now? Or do you think Federer will have his fair share of wins this year?

(Federer fan by the way)
Also adding to that, IF he is ever to beat Murray from now on, will he have to be completely fresh? Or will being a little be tired drown his chances amazingly?
Do commentators opinions matter greatly? Even before the tournament at the aussie open started, they were all dead certain that should Federer get to the semis, he will go down easily to Murray. Murray's won one major and their making it sound as if he's the best player who's ever lived. I do respect Murray but he's not THAT good. When Nadal comes back, I'm confident he'll go back to the days where he'll get stuck at semis!
Interesting one.....I'm a Fed fan too and I do feel now he has been beaten by his age a little and I do feel Murray and Djok have upped it a level however Federer still beat Djok at Cincinnati and Wimbledon last year and Murray at Wimbledon and around two months ago at the World Tour Finals. I still think going into a match Fed has a very good chance as he's so mentally strong and Murray's a bit temperamental but I think perhaps the other two will dominate a bit now above Fed and Nadal.
No doubt though that Federer is the best of all time, he might decide he's had enough though soon! He's had an AMAZING career! ;)

Adding to what you said the aussie open match with Fed/Murray was a FIVE SETTER-so hardly a walk over!
I think murray's time has come now. I can't see federer beating him again, but annihilation?? i wouldn't go that far