Ron Weasley has swine flu!!

Oh, such a shame, from a girl who plays FIFA 09:D

I'll forgive based on that fact. :yep:
He might have done, I'm not sure. The latin words strengthen the spell and make it easier to learn the spell to begin with, but they're not essential, and can still help if they're not quite right, so you might be right. It's the principle behind non-verbal spells.

And I'm sure I heard somewhere than swine flu is technically the bird flu mutation we were worried about, it is a H5N1 strain of the virus just like bird flu. But I might be completely wrong, and it doesn't make the joke any less crap.
No-one's overanalysing. Stop using that word. It doesn't make sense in this context.


Plus it smells.

Pigs aren't birds. :indiff:

Also, Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone is famous worldwide - I think a healthy bunch know what wingardium leviosa is...
I can imagine the H&R thread, any question the answer is:

Wingardium Leviosa- that'll cure him.

That jokes for the hardcore Potter fans!