Rude asian classmate says, "i don't need professor and that he is...


May 20, 2008
...useless". Should I complain bout what he say? An asian friend of mine almost always skips every math class. But then he ends up getting very high grades in all tests, assignments, and projects. I attend every lecture and listen to professor very carefully. So carefully like I am at gunpoint. However, I still get stuck and have lot of difficulty doing assignments and homework. I ask the asian friend to help me in homework and he complained to professor that I am trying to cheat. I am very offended at this dude. First he violates the rules by not coming to class and when I asked him for little bit help he told me "get lost". I asked him to do some group study and again he said, "get lost". He is rude, mean and will just not help anyone while having careless attitude by neglecting class lecture. I told him, "you will suffer by not coming to class" and he said, "i don't need any professor. he is useless for me". So should I complain to professor about what he said? He complained about me too, when I asked for homework help. I hope he drops out of college. Without professor its IMPOSSIBLE to succeed.
Professor also takes no action against student for missing class. Why? I remember I took liberal arts class and teacher said "I will not pass anyone who misses class often".
he complain to professor I am trying to cheat when all I was asking is help in homework
i asked help in friendly way because it was very hard assignment. And then he went straight to professor to complain that I attempted to cheat
he exposed me to professor that i struggle and can't do homework on my own. he gave bad impression about me to professor and my grade will not be easy now
why did he have to tell professor? he already refused to help. He was just being vengeful and malicious. He is full of HATE.
he is south korean
why did you ask help? just mind your own business and don't care what other student does. The fact that you start begging for help even after attending every lecture and listening very carefully, indicates you are not fit to do any major requiring math. And most high paying majors like engineering, computer science,, etc etc need strong math background.

You are already in deep trouble, without even bringing that dude into the picture.

I have bachelor degree in math and am now studying master's in math. I totally HATE it if any classmate asks for math help. I myself avoid all these study groups and similar nonsense. Believe me a huge load of classmates have asked me for help through the years, and I always turn them down.

Learn to be self-sufficient, in life
Who are you...Cindy from the Brady Bunch?
Whatever happened to just kicking the crap out of someone like that? He asked for it.
As an Asian I think he's VERY rude. The Eastern culture always tells students to respect their preceptors, whether its in India or China. I always thought Westerners are rude in the way they speak to teachers so this is new. He's obviously cocky and a show off. In Asia, we normally give these sort of people a sound bashing or at least an unforgettable advice.
Sometimes you just have to take the situation in hand and do what you gotta do. Just don't be a snitch bitch. Fuch him up and be done with it.
What does him being Asian have anything to do with his character?

If you were around me, I wouldn't turn you down. I like helping people on their math problems :).

Edit: Seems like you are absolutely PISSED. I hope you're not making it seem all Asians are snitches (Asian here, don't know if that wasn't already obvious). My advice to you is to clarify this whole issue with your professor and then talk about your math problems. Math is about problem-solving and going to class isn't going to help if you're not thinking the right way.
tell the professor you weren't trying to cheat and then tell that little weasel how it is, if you want to stand up for yourself.