ruled by religion

No it is not a just cause for killing. Just because the Church has commited such acts, doesn't mean they were doing God's will.
The church are the representation of God's will. These people study bible days in and out. Oops, a contradiction again i think.
So whos will was the church doing, their own. As they always have, they subconciously use god as a guise to tell people that they should do things their way.
And? I do not disagree with you. I do not blame this on God or Christ's teachings though. Anytime you say something to a mass of people, someone is always going to twist what you say to benefit them. This is the same case, on a large scale.

Not necessarily. If they do not follow the ways of Christ they claim to follow, then they are not representing the will of God. Even Jesus made this clear when he started turning over tables in the temple.
No. In context it describes reparations given if two fighting men hit a pregnant woman causing her to give birth prematurely.

Sorry, Typo. Its matthew 10:28. Although another version of the bible I have has it at 10:34

Really I read it differently. The context is one of rebellion against authority "man at variance against his father, daughter against mother..." Thus he is bringing strife and conflict.

So what you are saying is that through poor translation misreadings of scripture are possible, NAY LIKELY.

So much for the word of god being accurate and true.

Very well.

"Honor thy father and thy mother" - Exodus 20:12

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren, and sisters yea and his life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26
Yes, Christianity and Islam do rule people's lives.

By indoctrination and fear. End of story.

I can't say the same for 'lesser' religions, because I don't know enough about them. And for things like Buddhism, it's not true.
No, it means that you're trying to read something in a vacuum, and *you* don't understand it. Besides, mistranslations are possible, as long as humans do it. That's why it takes a lot of work to do it, in any sort of language.

OK, if you're still trying to understand, read Exodus 20:1-3, which is the first one of those things, and sets the context for the entire passage. Then read those two again, and you'll understand the difference. Again, the person who's talking (and what he says about himself) is really, really important.

If you're really interested in this whole "Bible contradictions" thing, I can give you a couple of titles of stuff you can look at. Then again, the best way to do it is to actually *read* the thing, as a whole, so you understand what it really says, and not what someone who's writing a list of sentences and half-sentences says.
I wish I had some indoctrination and fear. It might make people listen to me more. Just kidding, of course.
Hi everyone, you must think that the mere act of living is a form or control. You are controlled by your body, your mind, your karma, astrological profile, etc.

Even after death you're controlled. Absolute freedom is a fallacy. Nothing is free, not even Tao.
Not really. If you look at it from the right perspective, the whole world, no, the whole universe is a machine of cause and effect.

I mean, say you make a choice to hit someone when they've angered you. It's not choice, it's the way the neurons in your brain were set up and reacted to the specific event...

bad example, but I hope you get the jist.

humans - very complex machines, working to a very strict and complex set of rules, like everything else
So meaning, if i can manage to emit lots of weird particles toward a person i can change his thoughts/action/future!???? Interesting lol

But i agree we are bound by the wheel of fate. Freewill is merely a mirage.

on the other note, has anyone played the Legacy of Kain series? It tlaks about fate and how we have no free will. It is interseting.
I'll have to get bake to you on the Book of the Dead it's ages sins I’ve red it, I mite by wrong, I’ll have to check. The lords prier thing is basically "Ho Arden how are in heaven hallowed be they name etc" sorry I haven’t got that one rattan dawn I’ll have to look it up agene but just replace lord with Arden and you’ve got it

I manly said it because everyone was starting to agree and things were getting boring.
Sorry cant find the "prier to the Aten" .
I now I’ve seen it some ware, but hears a web site abut Akhenaten if you’re interested (,I thick you win on this one.
Mistranslations are dangerous. Let us take Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.". In the original hebrew it actually reads "Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live". This one mistranslation cost the lives of thousands of women during the witch trails. So please don't play down the effect of mistranslation. Also if god is omnipotent and infallable, and the bible is the true word of god surely he would have ensured that it was written in such a a manner that it could neither be mistranslated or misinterpreted.

Yep, re-read them again and I'm sorry but I see know contradictions. As for exodus 20:1-3 thats the pre-amble to the issuing of the first set of ten coofftopicndments I fail to see its significance regarding those two quotes.

Sorry read it ALL many years ago. Am not going through that experience again (and I thought Stephen King was disturbing).

As Friedrich Nietzsche once said "One had better put gloves on before reading the new testament. The presence of so much filth makes it very advisable."
*shrug* I guess you have your mind made up, so there's no reason continuing. The game's getting a little bit old. There's no other way to say it...your contradictions aren't contradictions. Heck, if you wanted to bring up some difficult passages, you could, but you haven't even brought them up yet.

If you want to continue, you can private-message me, and we can talk there.

P.S. That Hebrew word doesn't mean "poisoner", I don't see that it's ever been used in an English translation as poisoner, and the only source for that is the Greek farmakos, where "poisoner" is an alternate definition, but not in this passage, or anywhere else in the Old or New Testaments. You need to check your sources.
Not really mate...I'll try and explain it a bit better.

It helps if you think of humans as just incredibly complex machines. Masses and masses of cells made up of masses and masses of compounds and elements. Say you get a headache. And it gets so bad you decide to take some headache pills. You might think of this as being free will - the choice to take the pills or not. But if you look at it a different way, it's not. You have no choice in whether you were exposed to the pain or not, and you had no choice in where your paticular tolerance level ended, and thus made you reach for the headache pills. whatever contributing factors in your life that made you react in such a way (for instance, pain tolerance, actually having the pills available, having the ability o take them) are unchangable.

Basically you are a complex machine that reacts in intricate, but perfectly predictable ways to stimulus, stimulus ranging from a change in temperature to splitting up with your girlfriend.