Rumours that hurt close friend?


May 15, 2008
Recently I just got told that one of my closest friends has been told that I slept with her boyfriend. This is definetley not true and even though she said she believes me she is still hurt by the rumours and why someone would make that up. I dont know the name of the person that told her, and i am angry that someone would make up something like that. Nothings EVER happened between me and her boyfriend, we are just friends thats all. I dont know that to say/do to make her feel better. Really confused!
Naturally, it's hard to hear that your friend may have slept with your boyfriend. But the important thing is that she believes you and more importantly is that you aren't lying and are telling the truth. Clearly, someone or a group of people are jealous of you and your best friend's relationship. I'd as her who it was and confront the person [with your best friend there to witness you confronting this person]. By confronting, I don't mean fist-fist, just ask this girl/boy why he/she would make up such a disgusting rumour.
If it starts getting out of hand, leave it, and focus on your relationship with your friend. Don't do anything out of the norm to make her believe you haven't, like for eg, if you normally don't hug her, don't start hugging her because actions as such could make her believe you have done something and are trying to cover it up! Just be normal around her and everything should go back to normal!

Good luck! x