Sale Price and Bidding for Residential Property?


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Are there any laws on limits to how low a buyer can bid or how high a seller can set an asking price? Can the price deviate drastically from actual the Fair Market Value of the property in either case.

For example could a buyer ask to purchase the home for half price or could the seller ask for 10x the market value if he knew the buyer was willing to pay it.
All's fair in love and war. Buyer beware. I suppose if you tricked a person (old) a judge would like to talk to you. That is why when you buy or sell you should know the "comps"/ comparable home values.
A seller wants as much money as he is able to get for his/her home.
Like wise a buyer wants to buy a home for far less than the asking price.
However a 50% offer of value will not even get you an answer from the sellers agent and i would be surprised if a buyers agent would take the offer to the sellers agent.
A seller could ask any amount they want. But it will not sell this is why a listing agent will bring the comparable sales in the area.