Sales... Quitting!?


Mar 31, 2008
I work in dallas tx currently as a sales rep for a printing company. They way we get paid is not off the overall sales for the month, we get paid on the money that comes in the month before. If I am to leave this company, is my employer supposed to still pay me on my outstanding invoices and the money that has billed, which is around $90K when the money actually comes in??? I am really worried that he can screw me, but I will take them to the workforce commission and turn them in...
You need to look at your agreement and see how it addresses this situation. If you don't have a commission agreement that addresses this, then I'd be consulting a lawyer with this question.

Some companies state that you must be employed at the time that the payment is made. Depending on how it's administered, it can be used to "hamstring" great sales people to their job (the golden handcuffs).