screen names vs. real names


Mar 13, 2008
I think this is an interesting subject especially for a martial arts forum.Before I post the question,I'll give my personal opinion and why I think this is an interesting subject.I have a personal interest in national politics and used to spend alot of time in political forums(I don't anymore).When I did,I would read some of the most controversial posts and would want to know where the poster was coming from,so I would check on the posters personal profile and discovered that the most radical posters would give little to no info.This really hit home with a certain poster who seemed to dominate one board in peticular and was as radical as hell.I got to thinking,"would this person say what he does if he wasn't anonymous?".I don't think so.I droped my screen name that day and re-registered with my real name.I challenged the poster in question to do the same.The forum came to a complete STOP for two weeks!This guy re-emerged like I had not made the challenge.Since then,I have always posted with my real name.I have been in the martial arts community for over 30 years and consider my reputation sacred and using my real name keeps me honest.Don't get the wrong idea,I don't think it's a bad thing to use a screen name as long as you are repectfull of others,but if you are extremely critical of others and use a screen name and give almost no info in your user profile,how can you expect others to take you seriously? If anyone ever wants to challenge my opinions or want to tran with me,I will give my personal info readily.In fact,if anyone ever has a problem with anything I post or feel the need to challenge me personaly,here is my phone no #######.I invite feedback here on this subject.
You know, you are quite right about this... but not much ppl will feel like the way... some of us wants to be annonymus. Just for one reason or another.
As Such I have no issue with this..

I sorta feel the same way. I have used various nom de plumes on other forums (either phoenix-eye or smee). However, I felt that there was a lot of bull being posted and that, by putting up my real name - or as close as poss to it coupled with a populated profile, then I was at least demonstrating that what I said had some personal integrity to it. If nothing else, my club mates and, more importantly, my instructor will know exactly who I am when I post. If it's b0llocks then they will tell me so!!

Anyway, I admire your honesty and hope more will do the same.

What if we go by our nicknames?

I listed my webpage so if you really want to see my real name, or my smiling face (you can print it out to keep mice away), you can click to your heart's content.

Geez, I thought my webpage thingy was in my profile thingamajig,
I usually just go by my real name, but I felt wierd, since no one else seems to, so on this forum, I signed up with an alias. My real name is in my sig.
Thanks everyone! I've posted the same question before on other sites,but this is the most positive response I have gotten.That says alot for the integrety of MAP members.
First of all let me say that you have violated MAPs TOS ( 1.4 Posting Personal Contact Information (Address/ Phone Number):
Members may not post personal contact information such as home address, work address, home telephone number, work telephone number, etc., in the public forums)

The purpose of this particular martial arts forum is not to provoke or satisfy challenges.

As you spend more time here and become more acquainted with all of us ... real names are really of no importance although many of us begin to get to know one another by real names if we choose to do so.

I've been known as KickChick here and on other forums for the past 4 years or so... and I can assure you, aka or real name, ... most people do take me seriously (... well most of the time )
I always use a screen name over the internet, but I have no problem putting my real name in my signature as you can see.
I have no problem giving my name (when asked) to back up an argument, but I think that 95% of the time it's irrelevant. Besides, pseudonyms are fun.
yup... I agree but I think she should change her nick to KickMom or something like that... she boss n toss ppl around a lot
Why give a real name? I don't troll the net looking for social contact in the other realm, called reality or something isn't it? I want to keep the two seperate, and if you can't accept an opinion that isn't backed up with a real name, perhaps you shouldn't seek out opinions online? No mean to cause any offense if it came out that way, just my thoughts on it, and if you disagree you can contact me at ##########
Personally, I wouldn't post my real name ever.
Too many freaks with axes in their closets out there.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to figure out where someone lives,
even without information on state, city, or general info posted by
someone in their personal info...
That said, I admire anyone who wants to post their personal info
or say their real name, but unless I'm face to face with anyone in
an argument, I find it has little relevance online.
I know there's more than one Mark Palenik in this country - of course, I posted some additional info. . . but I'm not significantly more worried that someone's going to kill me because he's using the internet than I would be if I met him on the street. If a psycho wants to kill someone, he doesn't need to look up a name and search for an address on a martial arts forum. He could just look in a phonebook, or simply march right into the nearest house.
Personally, I've always used a screen name. Why? I find naming yourself to be quite the opportunity. All though this alias has no obvious meaning other than being odd to say, it stands for "Warrior of the Heart," an old neo-pagan title of mine. All though I now affiliate myself with no religion the alias still serves as a history of myself. Just google for "HearWa" and you'll see what I mean.

As well as keeping the same alias on different websites I am always sure to add my name to the profile, as well as a link to one of my websites. This keeps my real identity in check.

As far as the old "axe murderer" concept goes, none has shown up at my doorstep yet (knock on wood).

Actually, I've had a few members of my Kung Fu school discover my online identity by entering the right search phrase into google. They're usually not surprised since most know I am quite the computer geek.
... perhaps I would be taken even more seriously if I were to change my name to KickMom (???)

(... that just sounds kinda cruel to me though )

Somebody Googled me ( ) .... and had asked if I was listed on NO HONEST!! That is NOT me!!!!!
I make my posts and expect people to take them at face value, I don't think you should have to lend your name to such things just to add gravitas. Besides of which, I want to make posts without people thinking I'm representing my club, style and sifu every time I say anything.

I also worked security type jobs alot in the past and have a real hang up about putting my personal details out where other people can get them. I might go to a MAP meet or something in the future if people get so curious that they couldn't stand my anonymity any longer.
If asked to I will post my real name. If it’s necessary to back up what I say up I have no problem with it.
I don't have my real name in my sig to back up anything I say - I just thought it made for a funny sig, and on topic, too.

I don't really think it matters whether someone uses his real name or not. First of all, it's not like there's not more than one person with any given name, and second of all, I am no more or less inclined to hold someone accountable for his words based on the name he gives me.