Shens. Seriously. Shens on this even tho its cnn

Seriously, I've seen FAR more unbelievable things on the news.

The fat cunt that didn't leave the bathroom for 2 years and got stuck to the toilet because she sat on it for like 2 months comes to mind.
Heh if she told me she wanted to live I'd just say "well...thats to bad", seriously, what a waste of oxygen.
lol the kids could be smoking pot right infront of her and she couldn't do shit.

they were probably pissed at the big electricity bill so they unplugged her.

edit: imagine the smell inside it.
I don't believe for one second that she enjoyed her life of staying in the exact same spot for 60 years. What the FUCK?
what a useless life, wait not useless she was still using up food and other resources people that actually do shit could use.