Shetland pony is standing funny, leaning back on her heals... what does this mean?


May 17, 2008
My 30 yr old shetland got out of her yard and I assume she ate a lot of green grass as well as some Barley that is growing in the paddock. Yesterday I found her lying down and she would not get up, she was very bloated and I could hear a lot of gut noises. I decided not to call a vet because of her age I would have her put down if she was in to much pain and did not recover. I gave her some psyllium husk which she ate, and about 2 hours later she was up so I walked her around for a bit then put her in her yard. My 4 year old niece asked me why she was walking funny and when I looked she appeared to be walking on her heels with her toes up (back legs only). She is still doing the same thing today. Is this a symptom of founder? I have looked it up but cannnot find anywhere that says it is. She has foundered before (before I owned her) and she is not standing in the "rocking horse" stance that is typical of horses with founder.
Gut noises does not mean colic usually. The pony would be sweating in patches, getting up and lying down and rolling and kicking or biting his stomach and not passing droppings.

She does sound as though she has founder. What was her coat like during the summer? She could have Cushings Disease which causes a thick, matted coat, sometimes curly during the summer months - not shedding as a pony would. Founder goes with Cushings.

You are wrong in not calling the vet out. In fact there is a law against denying a horse or pony prompt veterinary attention.