Shootings in Virginia

Umm...yes I can, and I said that. Why do police takes guns with them? So they can stop bad guys.

I'm just saying that if one of the people in the university had a gun, then instead of being completely helpless then they might have had a chance.

I'm not saying people should have guns, but I'm just elaborating on an opinion that was expressed earlier. I didn't say I agree with it.
What the hell are you talking about??!
Do you think Asian in the US are treated badly?
For christ's sake... come to Asia and see how Asians are treated by other Asians!!! Come to Asia and see how they're treated by governments here!!!

Asians in America have it very, very, very easy by comparison.
I have many Iranian friends living in the US (LA area). Not one was harrassed or abused in any way after 9/11. I also have many Pakistani (DC area) friends living in the US... not one was stopped or abused or attacked. I also have Lebanese friends living in Pittsburgh... not one was attacked harrassed or otherwise deprived of their rights. I know any number of people in NYC that could pass for some sort of Arab but suffered no consequences as a result of 9/11.

Please stop posting pap.

Damn.. very sad news.
Hope all you guys with friends and relatives in that area find that they're safe.

This sort of thing is never going to go away.
The country is too devided over the second ammendment so they'll spend their time bickering over it... meanwhile shooting rampages will continue to happen.

It's the high price that America will continue to pay for this supposed freedom to carry guns. If I remember correctly Virginia has some of the most liberal gun laws in the entire US. The big money behind the gun lobby only makes this problem just about impossible to solve. Sad stuff. Very sad stuff.
Gun laws have nothing to do with the shooting. Does anyone actually believe more gun laws would have prevented this when the shooter obviously didn't respect the thousands already on the books? And yes, if students at VT didn't have to give up their right to self-defense when they came onto campus, things might have been very different.
No evidence that more gun control laws will result in lower murder rates...

If someone wants a gun, they can get one whether they buy it legally or illegally...

Look how well we keep other illegal things out of the country, such as marijuana or illegal immigrants...

Some areas with very high percentage of guns per person also have very low murders by guns...

So if you think a law is going to keep a lunatic from acquiring a gun illegally then you are very wrong, they don't mind killing people why would they care if they had to get a gun illegally?

And VT is one of the "Gun Free Zones". Those work about as well as the drug free school zones. Think for a minute before spouting off some knee-jerk reaction about how gun laws would have prevented this.
You're attempting to argue something I haven't said.
I suggest you read what I posted and comprehend it. I've not argued for stricter gun controls.

As for illegal aliens.. lol... last I checked you weren't gonna work a minimum wage job at a gas station. or in any minimum wage kitchen job... who do you think you're kidding?
You said

You imply the right to carry firearms is a "supposed freedom", comment on the "liberal gun laws" in Virginia which implies a connection between the shooting and the "liberal gun laws" then you follow it up by blaming gun lobbies which argue for protection of the 2nd amendment...

If you are not arguing for stricter gun laws, why bring up the "supposed freedom to carry guns", why connect "liberal gun laws" to the shooting, and why blame the gun lobby?
I'm glad your friends did not experience any problems. I had a middle eastern friend from several years before 9/11. While not close physically, I made a point of seeing him about a year afterwards. He had experienced a lot of prejudice, and felt it increased significantly after 9/11. Eventually, he left the country because he couldn't get a job, a sad happenstance which he attributed to increased prejudice after 9/11.

Different people have different experiences. I personally haven't noticed any problems, but I'm not a target for that kind of prejudice.
I do not know why Americans are shocked. They all believe that guns are the answer and as soon as someone shoots a school up, they all get shocked. Makes you wonder what ideals and barriers they have.