Should have I have complained about the way she dressed at work? opinions please?


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Should have I have complained about the way she dressed at work? opinions please?
Alright so here is the conflict I had with a co-worker/ex-friend. We are both students workers at a university in a warehouse. Over the last six months this girl started dressing way too provocatively and inappropriately for our work environment (ex: skin tight low rider jeans, low cut tops that are like two sizes too small, and high heel leather boots) . Don't get me wrong they are nice clothes but they are completely inappropriate for work. We have worked together for over two years and this was never an issue before. It is almost like she figured out how hot she is and is out to prove something. I was not the first person to complain and she has been told before by our supervisor about her clothes. Well she has not gotten the point yet and I personally called my supervisor and complained that she was making me uncomfortable seeing as I have to work directly with her everyday. Well they strictly told her to to either cover up with a jacket or to get new clothes and she does not respond well to criticism to say the least. I won't go into details but she then figured out that it was me that complained. Then she said to me:

"So I have to wear this jacket for the rest of the winter because of you? Thanks. You know my mom wouldn't have bought me these clothes if she thought they made me look like a slut"

I had hoped to remain anonymous so the problem could be resolved and I could go back to a comfortable work environment and maybe continue being friends with her. Were she not so sensitive to criticism I would have just told her directly but I know she would just blow up in my face so I had to go behind her back. Personally I don't care if she hates me because I have come to realize she is not a good friend anyways. But this turned into WAY more drama than I wanted but I have the right to an opinion and to be comfortable at work. What do you guys think?

I think a woman should be allowed to dress like a woman but there has to be a line. When you have basically reduced yourself to piece of meat for everyone at the company to gawk at, then I think you have crossed that line. I have another female co-worker/friend who is also very pretty but she does not feel the need to display herself to the world when she is at work. I am going to tell her that I am sorry for offending her but she was making me uncomfortable and it was inappropriate. I am not going to be mean about it and I want to try and carry on peacefully. If she does not want to remain friends because of her immaturity, then so be it.