Should I ask my Doctor to change my dosage...?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
I was put on Zoloft because I have anxiety disorder and some depression...It used to be to the point where I couldn't even function, but I overcame that for a couple years. It recently came back, not as fierce as before, but it has really disrupted my life. At 19, I've begun to realize that anxiety is just a part of me.

Anyway, the doc gave me 25mgs Zoloft to take originally, this was back in October. Then I came back this week, and he upped it to 50mgs, even though I never took the first prescription in the first place (and told him so). I didn't realize that he upped it until I already left his office - I assumed it was the same prescription as last time.

I don't really wanna take the 50mg ...I wanna start back at 25 and see if that helps and if it doesn't then obviously, I'll just up it...

What should I do? I'm gonna call him first thing Monday morning.