Should I buy an Iphone 5 with the T-mobile $30 a month plan?


New member
Nov 9, 2013
Ok, so ever since I know what cell phones were, I've wanted an Iphone.
I'm 16, and a junior in highschool.
The main problem is I don't have a job, and I have to pay for everything I want that isn't a necessity (food/warm clothes) My dad owns apartment buildings that I sometimes work at for extra cash, but it's not substantial.
My current phone situation is:
1st gen HTC Evo 3d with $35 a month Non-contract plan
Ipod touch 5g
For some reason, i LOVE apple, and this is nonnegotiable. So please don't tell me to buy a nexus, even though its a great and cheap phone. I love my Ipod, but the Evo makes me want to tear my hair out. I never use it when i don't have to. The coverage is terrible, but the main two reasons i hate it are: 1. Its android. Like I said, I'm unexplainably bias toward Apple. 2. The keyboard is literally the worst thing you have ever laid thumbs on. While i can type quickly and easily on my Ipod, It take insurmountably large portions of my day just to type a simple message, and after having the phone for well over a year I know I'm not going to "just get used to it"

(I know, I sound like such a spoiled white kid)

I also want to be able to carry around just one device ( the iphone) instead of my ipod+thick Evo.

So what I was thinking was to buy an iPhone 5/5s off contract and connect it to T-mobiles $30 a month plan.
Is this a good idea? i can easily afford the plan, as I'm already paying more than that for virgin, but I was wondering if it is compatible with iPhone.
Also, iPhone 5, 5c or 5s. I don't want to start off my dream of iPhone ownership with an outdated phone, but is the 5S really worth the extra cost?

If I purchased the phones from Virgin mobile, these are the prices per model. ( I only use this as an example because you can no longer buy the plain iPhone 5 from the Apple website) All the examples are 32g, because that's the memory I need.
iPhone 5 - $500
iPhone 5c - $550
iPhone 5s - $650
I really prefer the metal case of the 5 and 5s, but i would like to know what you guys think. :)