Should i complain about a tardy?


Active member
May 13, 2008
This morning i was considered tardy. Here's what happened:

this week is ogt week and so there is a two hour delay... today, the test took a lil longer so instead of having 15 minutes to get to class, we had only 3 minutes.

i took an irregular route to my first period and right when i got to the door, there were about fifteen other girls just walking in too,
and the bell rang.. our teacher was standing right outside the door with another teacher

and even 4 girls were right inside and we were ALL given tardy's! even though they were in but waittt heres the probly the worse part..

it wasnt even OUR teacher who gave us tardy's, it was the teacher he was talking to, she called everyone who wasnt in the locker room changing out to the hallway and told us to go to tardy tables! our teacher looked surprised and just let her take charge!

I haven't missed a single day of school this year, and in our school, tardy's are counted as absences and now im reallllllllly upset cuz this would be the first year EVER that ive gone without mising one day!

is this fair? cuz even our teacher didnt think so, he came in during tardy tables and shrugged and said, "you guys picked the wrong week, shes pmsing"! i am soo mad.

what should i do?