Should I go into a relationship with my best friend?


May 22, 2008
So I knew him since elementary school. We been friends throughout and he's been there for me throughout anything. I feel as if I can tell him anything. He's been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, even for 1AM runs to get food. He knows all my family problems, all my flaws and all my strengths, just like I know his. In high school, we were inseparable and everyone was telling us we should just go out already (that includes his parents). My parents accept him (shockingly my dad too) and vice versa for me. We knew that we had strong feelings for each other but at the same time we didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. He is always the person I go to when I am in trouble or when I need a ride home, and as always, he was there for me. I'm not sure what else to put. Umm...we spoke about this a couple dozen times and he feels the same way. We said we would kiss to see how it turns out but it never really happened because of the fear of ruining our friendship. I know that when I think of a boyfriend, he fits the category perfectly (he knows this too). I'm not sure what to do. It's like whenever I'm in a relationship, the person never seems to be good enough or have the right traits. I seem to compare the boyfriend at the moment to him all the time. What should I do?
then just go out with him! just start the relationship with him, lovers always begin with best friends I think. :D