Should I greet this person next time I see it after trying to evade me for over a...


New member
Jul 22, 2008
...month? Funny thing of me for thinking he had vision problems and/or he was ignoring me by accident.

When I arrived to college for the first class 7:00 am in the morning I would encounter him with his cellphone in both hands and very close to his face. Sometimes he would pretend he didn't see my hand when I placed it in front of him waiting for the handshake, with the excuse of being busy playing with the cellphone and me saying nothing.

In the library I would encounter him with his face very close to the sheet of paper on the desk.

All this happened at the end of the semester and I only realized he was evading me during vacation.

Needless to say, I feel humiliated and deceived for receiving mixed signals of him liking me and not. After greeting him a lot trying to call his attention (see I admired this person a lot) and thinking it was all simple indifference (and not hate) I don't know why he didn't say anything. But screw it.

Besides, after I stopped greeting him out of hopelessness he tried so desperately to greet me again!

And I know for sure because it has happened already that when I see someone I don't like I ignore him completely and no matter how much he or she would try to contact me I would never send mixed signals of me liking them and not. And after they start ignoring me I would say to myself "well, that's what I wanted". And as a matter or fact, I always talk upfront to people and tell them they are doing this or that thing wrong, -or that I hate them-, plain and simple.

That's why some people with social problems trust me a lot and come searching for answers because they are denied advice, warnings and attention-calls from other people.

Now I'm the one that misunderstands the world and you only have to tell me this: should I meet him next semester when I see him, just for the sake of being educated and trying to appear unhurt or non-vindictive? What would you personally do?

Of course I would ignore him all over afterwards. I don't need anyone. I'm only talking of the situation when everybody meets after not seeing in a very long time.

Thank you for reading.