Should I tell my friend that his boyfriend has an affair?


New member
Apr 11, 2008
Hello everybody,

I have the following Problem:

We invited my friend and her boyfriend to dinner las weekend. She is a very good friend, we used to hang out a lot.

After dinner his boyfriend asked me to check his emails on my computer and I said "sure".

He went to the computer in the other room. What he did not know is that I always have "sly advertising attempt removed" installed on my computer, the monitoring software from sly advertising attempt removed, that secretely records every password and chat conversation that is typed on my computer.

That is how I was shocked to learn, that he actually did log into Facebook to send a message to a woman. You could learn from the chat history that the woman was someone he is having an affair with.

Now I dont know if I should tell my friend this story. On one hand nobody likes bringing bad messages. Officially I should not know the truth and the method I used to get the information is not ok...

On the other hand I would expect from my friend that she tells me, if she were to know something about my boyfriend.

I dont know what to do, can you give me advice?

Thank you
You logged his chat & then went snooping?
I think you should worry about your own life
Ok so you let your friend use your computer, knowing it would log his passwords, and you didn't tell him? You then read his private stuff? And you call yourself his friend?

Some friend you are.

Yes, your friend's a lowlife.
But you're not exactly smelling of roses yourself.
Do you log onto personal advice forums and talk Kung Fu?

I know this is the off topic area, but this is your first post - so I find it a little weird. I also find it weird that you are asking advice on such a personal matter involving friends in a forum where you are brand new and don't know anyone.

Do you REALLY want a bunch of strangers guiding you like this? Why on earth would you want that?
You should drown friend&boyfriend in the lake, come back home and smash your PC with a sledgehammer, run 666 miles barefoot and eat dead cats. It's the right thing to do!
I've bolded a couple of bits that are confusing me. They are either inconsistencies in your story or else there are actually more people in this relationship than I first thought. Or else one of them is Veronica. Or Yah-Yah.
Guess it's not worth asking the girlfriends name now then is it. We could of been so happy together
(I use my iPhone )
I hate to say this, but I've got a bad feeling that she might be four-timing you. And that's a conservative estimate.
I find this a little unbelievable. Who checks facebook or e-mail on a friend's computer these days? That's why we have phones, isn't it?

Either way while your friend's boyfriend may be having an affair, he hasn't committed a crime. It sounds like you logged into his account using passwords, which would make you guilty of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system - which is a crime. If you do decide to tell anyone, you'll need to tread very carefully as it wouldn't be difficult to charge you - even using your post as evidence.
I'm sure this is a clever ad so I don't care about the story but I'm confused about the key logger and why I'd want it anyway. I can see the appeal of recording chat conversations if you have kid, although I'd still think you're a bit of a douche, but passwords? That's a bit far imo. Although if I owned a net cafe that'd be very tempting
Hi everybody,

thanks for your help -some more some less usefull ... I think I will not tell her anything. Because although I would expect her to tell me if it was the other way around, I dont want to feel her bad. It is none of my business and I dont have to worry that she could find out I knew it.

I think that is how I will deal with it...I guess...