Should rookies be eligible for the MVP Award?


May 13, 2008
Rookies and only rookies are eligible for the Rookie Of The Year Award in their league. Should they then be ineligible for the MVP? After all, they have their own award.

BQ. If you think rookies should be ineligible for MVP, should Lynn and Suzuki return their MVP Awards?
Eligible, ineligible. Pick one.
That's a ridiculous line of reasoning. By that line of reasoning, not only should pitchers be ineligible for the MVP award (something that some people may agree with, since they have the Cy Young), but hitters also can not be eligible for the MVP award, because they have the Hank Aaron Award for the best hitter in baseball. That would leave....exactly who to get the MVP? Perhaps the team mascot for their contributions to fan morale.
The title is MVP, Most Valuable Player. If that player just happens to be a rookie, then sobeit. It would just be that much more amazing that the player would win NOT only an award open to just the rookies, but the rest of the league as well.

If they excluded the rookies, then you'd just have the reporters on ESPN, MLB, etc talking about how they really wanted to give it to ________ , but had to settle on _________ instead because of the "no rookie rule".

I say keep em eligible.
The MVP should be renamed the "most valuable hitter with no fewer than ninety-five games service at any position other than pitcher, who plays on a team who happens to be in contention at the end of the year, and plays in a large market."

It may be a mouthful, but at least we know what the MVHWNFTNFGSAAPOTPWPOATWHTBINCATEOFYAPIALM stands for.
Actually, given that most teams have some sort of "Player of the Year" or MVP for their team, I think no player who actually plays for a team should be eligible for the MVP.
Therefore. any player who has won any award at any time in any sport should return them.
No, because if they have a superb year, and are the Most valuable, they should be given their shot to win it.

You can't tell me if a rookie came in, hit .350, 50 homeruns, 150 RBIs, 40 stolenbases, and played phenomenal defence, that you could take the MVP award away from them.
I think they should be eligible. If the rookie is the best player on the team, he should be an MVP candidate.
I believe they should. Who says they are the most important player in the league.