should sun worshipers be laughed at?


New member
May 28, 2009
I hate all religious people but sun believers take the cake. I think they should be laughed at in the media and in popular culture.
I am an athiest
how to keep that shiney thing in the sky happy. lmao.
Well i have to say I state the opossite as for example at least they worship something that is real, not just a human invention that was created years ago, and from which probably dont even know its origins, at last the sun is there and we can feel it.

Well i have to say I state the opossite as for example at least they worship something that is real, not just a human invention that was created years ago, and from which probably dont even know its origins, at last the sun is there and we can feel it.

Come on, at least they can look in the sky and see the sun, so they know it exists. Most religions worship a deity without any proof that it is even there. That seems more laughable to me.
In many traditions, the sun represents the light of God. And becoming "Children of the light" is the rock solid basis of all the major religions, including Christianity.

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I agree i think the idea of a sun God is crazy but some people may say that about christianity or atheism or any other religion it's not my job to judge so i think it is wrong to laugh at them and i refuse to laugh at them...what if people laughed at you for what you believe or should i say what you don't believe... don't judge them....
I agree i think the idea of a sun God is crazy but some people may say that about christianity or atheism or any other religion it's not my job to judge so i think it is wrong to laugh at them and i refuse to laugh at them...what if people laughed at you for what you believe or should i say what you don't believe... don't judge them....
No, the sun is powerful and its existence can be scientifically confirmed. We should laugh at Judeo-christian God worshipers
You shouldn't laugh at anyone's beliefs. It's immature and childish. You have to be respectful to be respected.
Not anymore then all the other crazy beliefs of other religions.

Laugh at all the religious people in my opinion. At least you can see the Sun. and there is proof it exists.
Some people believe that they have evidence that Christianity is pretty much just fanciful sun worship, so...

Pretty much?