Should World leaders boycott the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?



China is currently detaining more than 80 Chinese journalists and bloggers, and view their treatment of human rights such as in Tibet, should we continue to honor them with the hosting of the games and receiving "positive" attention from the free world and its leaders?
Why or why not?
Yes, world leaders are responsible for boycotting the 2008 Olympic games scheduled to be held in Beijing. Will they? No.

The United States will continue to "honor" China because China "holds" a great deal of U.S. debt. China holds $820 billion dollars in U.S. debt, second only to Japan who holds $830 billion of U.S. debt. I don't know what other countries owe China and Japan money.

I owe a little over $650 on my car loan, $900 to the IRS for back taxes, and about $3,000 on credit card debt--somewhere around $5,000. On an income of $2,000 a month, which consists of my spouse's Social Security of $950 a month, his small pension of $350 a month, and my Social Security of $740 a month, we will never be able to "get ahead".

How does the United States Government ever expect to make any progress when over 16 billion dollars is owed to China and Japan?

The U.S. must capitulate to China, and China is aware of this fact.
They are not going to no matter how many people protest, they need China, it produces most of the worlds goods and so it's money before conscience.
No boycott. The athletes have been training for this for their whole lives and the only result of a boycott would be to make them suffer. We boycotted the Olympics when they were in the former Soviet Union and they then boycotted when we hosted, and it didn't accomplish a dang thing.
What China is doing is deplorable but this is a sporting event that should never be politicized.