Siberian Husky

A nifty thing to get is a ballthrower. Its like an arm with a handle, about 75cm long. You slip the ball in the top, swing hard and it increases your throwing distance by about 3/4 times hehe. Taking your husky to a field and getting them to chase 200 yard throws would be good exercise.
I've seen them in the pet shops, they look fun!! Few problems are that husky's aren't natural retrievers and they cant be let off the lead as they are runners and unlikely to come back no matter how well trained.

Gorgeous breed, but with some issues!! Like me!!!!!!
Ah yeah I read that about them! ( I was doing research in the vain attempt to persuade my boyfriend we should get one!)
I just had visions of throwing the ball and the dog running after it,then continuing running,and running,and running
Bit of role reversal in my life, it was me that wanted the husky not the missus

Dog park?? I'm assuming that its an enclosed space so the mutt can't do one? I doubt that there are many of them around St Helens where I live!!!
She is one cute puppy,you should buy a harness instead of a leash.Huskys also have a very good temperment (if it is spelt wrong im sorry)here is another tip feed her raw egg in with her meals its great for her coat (thats what i heard anyway).
Cheers fella's, she gets raw eggs shell and all with her food sometimes also sardines and other raw meat and veg to supplement the dry food. She loves carrots but will only eat them in the comfort of the living room!!!

The training is going well, we've got sit, down wait and working on a few other things. They are notoriously hard to train!!!

One thing I cant do is the outside kennel thing, she's my baby!!!!