Sim card rejected lg 500?


New member
Sep 26, 2012
Okay so I have two trac phones. One had a bunch of minutes on it and it's an old model. Well i got a different trac phone with a touch pad thing and camera with it so i thought I could switch the sims cards but apparently you can't.

why is this?

i looked it up online and most people say you can swap sims cards

why am i getting this problem?
???kills network traffic???

okay it's a pre-pay phone so idk if that makes a difference. The new phone was activated but I didn't put any minutes on it yet. idk if that matters.

I guess I'll try calling them.
You can not swap sim cards with Tracfones. You have to either call Tracfone or use the Tracfone website to transfer service from one Tracfone to another Tracfone.