Since places such as Deut 32:8-9 indicate Judaism is based on Cannanite religious


New member
Jun 13, 2009
how about conceding defeat? Islam/Christianity/Judaism need to cease and desist with their nonsense in the opinion of a great many experts as it is a clear indication Judaism was based on the Canaanite religion. Places such as Ras-Shamras/Ugarit yielded documents where among other things it is stated how mankind was divided among the sons of El. Just like in Deut 32:8-9.

Here is the text for the skeptics:

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When Elyon gave the nations (as?) an inheritance,
when he divided humankind,
he set the bounds of the peoples
according to the number of Bull El’s children,
and Yahweh’s portion was his people,
Jacob, the lot of his inheritance.

A great many other instances of the Canaanite religion exist in Judaism but I'm getting tired of listening to the nonsense here from people that have no education and no knowledge!

Don't you agree that its time for the ignorant to cease and desist and admit defeat?
Diskid: Their God is one of the sons of El!

In fact another document from Ugarit has El call his son in front of him and he say's: " Your name shall no longer be Yahweh, Yammu shall be your name!" (BaalII) Now this God is very well known, he was a God of the underworld recruiting souls for his domain and his fights with the God of life Baal are legendary.
Jman: Wrong: It was long suspected that Deut 32:43 was the last verse of the chapter and since that was where it ended in the DSS 32:44 has been assigned to "The Christian Gloss heap!"
Rachel you are also wrong: Cutting and pasting Bible verses does not make you knowledgeable.

The most authentic version is the one found among the DSS and there the exact translation (Taken from The DSS Bible By Abegg Flynt and Ulrich) 32:8 When The Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he separated humankind, he set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of Gods Children. 9. Yahweh's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
Rachel; You make the same mistake so many people make which is judging the validity of material by the Torah. You should read "Berossus Genesis and Manetho Exodus" by Russell Gmirkin for a better understanding.

Some of Judaism came from the Canaanites no doubt, the older parts for the Jews were a Canaanite tribe. For more of an understanding about who the Jews really were read: Egypt Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times by Peof D. B. Redford. His link to the Shasu is most interesting. That the Israelites evolved separate from other Near Eastern tribes with their own theology is most assuredly absurdity of the greatest proportions and I would thank you not to lie in that fashion for your are responsible for your deceptions!

So that you can get a better grasp on the problem of reconstructing the Ancient Near Eastern tales I suggest this link to one the worlds foremost authorities: Niels Peter Lemche!
Mr M. Before you go any further in proving you have no idea about what you are talking about I suggest you get a book such as: "An Anthology of Religious Texts from Ugarit" by Johannes C. DeMoor!
Rachel: This is not a scholarly forum where I am willing to debate the translation of Bull El, and though I received this from the ANE forum I will not bring that debate on here. As to the material of Ugarit there is no doubts as to the link with early Judaism. Neither is there any doubt that the early Israelites practiced monolatry rather than monotheism.

If you are not aware of the material by Lemche I do not believe you are any authority, hence how you want to translate something is not debatable. The fact remains that Deut 32:8-9 depicts the same division of mankind between the sons of El as the material from Ugarit. To try and explain Judaism and its material without knowledge of Ugarit or Ebla and the Dead Sea Scrolls etc indicates an effort at creating excuses without knowledge.