Skip School Day

actaullly no, ontraio has a day off today because of literache exams or somthing, my friend that moved to hamilton said she and aeverybody in ontairo has a day off (thats in school)
It is, but it would have made mummy and daddy oh so proud.;) I've heard great things about Guelph, and actually Laurier aswell. There's some really good schools out East. It's just more the middle of the country where the standards drop:p
When we skipped school back in the day we just went dirt bike riding in the local park and played Golden Eye all day.
its a dam website lol who cares how ur grammer is...well i guess u do cuz u have nothing better to do and good luck changing people...:crash: :runaway:
im actually skipping tomorrow.


actually, there is no school where im at. :runaway:
No but you need to be smarter then a glass of water. I don't believe you qualify for a pilots license in that case.