Sleep Paralysis Methods? Is it just a dream?


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Can anyone give me any advice on the best thing to do when you experience sleep paralysis? Also what happened to you and what did you do about it?

The first time this happened to me I had woken up to screams and running. I was so afraid until I saw it was only my 3 year old nephew running from my sister. She just stared at me and took him back into the room. I though I would get up and give her a hand when I realized I could not move at all. I tried to yell but no sound would come out... it felt like something was holding me down and when I finally could get up I went into my mothers room and told my sister and mom. They told me everything is ok so I laid back down. The minute I laid down it happen again. I had no clue what was happening to me so I just closed my eyes and thought of everything but what was happening. Then suddenly I was able to move again and when I went to tell my mom it happened again she was not there and my sis asked me if I remembered she been gone all night. Also I noticed my nephew was no where to be seen..... Was I just dreaming all of this happened? It make no sense to me.

Recently I had another one.... I was familiar with the feeling so I didn't freak out as much. But still I don't like going through this and I had no clue how to break out of it that time. What can I do?