so has he lost interest in me?


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I know a guy online and we texted every day in the beginning. He said he likes talking to me, wanna get to know me and even asked many times to meet me, but i refused. I told him to wait until my final is over. After a while he still text me but not as much. He then says he is gonna meet another girl and i told him to go ahead. I guess things going great with the other girl. He said he went to 2nd date with her. But he said he is more attracted to me than her. The next day i texted him and he said he decided not to talk to me anymore and that he might just ask the other girl out. I was shocked and kept asking him the reason why he changed his mind so fast. That I want to meet him, but he ignored my text and didnt pick up my call. After few days he texted me in the middle of the night saying Hi. When i got it the next morning I said hi back to him. But he didnt reply. I texted him again at night asking if he send the me a wrong text msg and told him i was excited when i received his text. He then reply yea my bad, i will text u when u send me some sexy pics. I send him a pic, not sexy tho. He then call me and talk dirty to me. The next day he didnt text me at all. I decided to text him last night but he didnt reply(maybe he already went to sleep). Then i texted him good morning today but he didnt reply. Finally just few hrs ago i told him that i wont bug him with my text anymore if he doesnt wanna. He didnt reply. I am so confused. so has he lost interest? change his mind again? what is it? I really like talking to him. :(
also when asked before he said he is busy thats why he doesnt reply to my text as much.
is he really busy or is it just an excuse?
He's a player, and you have been played. Count your blessings, that you are rid of him
He's tried all the tricks, send me some sexy pic, which, using your good judgment, you didn't do.
No hon, he's lost interest, he feels, you aren't falling for his spiel, or scam. So he's just moving on.
Something you should do as well, with one huge sigh of relief. that you dodged this creep.
A guy like that is not worth it...

Honestly, a guy like that, be happy it's over!
He was just playing around, and if you'd know to protect yourself and your interests, you'd keep away. He probably likes playing with your feelings and he wanted to see how far you'd go and how much you like him by asking you to send sexy pictures of yourself. Try ignoring him back, (really ignoring him for a long time) and see what happens, best case scenario - you get rid of him, he's a troll by the sound of it.