So I got into an argument with a Marine today.


New member
Apr 11, 2008
I guess he tried to bully me because i'm in college and he joined the marines to be a reserves somewhere in Colorado. Basically, hes telling me that he is at more success because i'm going to school and hes in the military. He said this unclear, and I couldn't comprehend his high school education tough marine lingo. I told him that I respected what he did, but I didn't respect him to honor our country.
Is he better than me?
Not sure about Better? People perceive better in other ways, he might be more financially free than you? But better, not in my eyes. He has medical benefits for being in military, is he referring to his health or his success? Either way I'm not really going to dig into my opinions it's all negative on this topic.
Everyone is better than you, so go ahead and delete this. I think he is better than you because he is willing to defend our country with his life.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. It'd be nice to assume everyone in the military is a hero, burning villages, destroying crops and slaughtering children's parents to protect our freedom, etc. but for all we know he might clean toilets on US base.
This. lol

My buddy was in the Marines for 2 months before being medically discharged for severe anxiety/panic attacks. He never left the states. They'll let anyone into the military these days.

Edit: Not to mention he would claw at people's throats for sympathy as if he was a victim of PTSD, but the worst he's had to endure was boot camp. P90x is harder than boot camp.
im in the military and let me tell you i run into this all the time. i hate when people think they are better and tougher and all that stuff. he might be a trigger puller, might not be. no one is better than you because they are in the military. its a duty we chose to do but i didnt do it to get more respect or to be tougher. i did it because of the money and the fact that they paid for my college. might not be the "right" reasons to join but he they give me money, i do what they tell me to do. ive been in for 6 years. ive never been deployed. im a welder. i just wear different clothes than a civilian blacksmith. my cousins an infantry ranger. just got deployed for the 4th or 5th time. never once heard him talk about how tough he is. never seen him wear his combat boots with jeans or any of that. hes whose tougher than you. he lets his actions speak louder than words. not some marine cramming it down your throat. once of the reasons im getting out is all the boasting and showmanship from younger enlisted.

end of rant
This. I don't think I'm better than anyone else because I joined. It was my decision to do so, just as your decision was to go to college. Now, I'm happy that I did join due to the benefits I do get such as college money, health, housing, ect ect. I did not join for the over all salary though, we all know that sucks. Haha.

The guy who comes up and tries to act better than you is probably the one who sits around doing nothing, or is a paper pusher. He is trying to make himself believe he is a part of the bigger fight by making you feel inferior, which obviously did not work, nor should it. The guys that don't really talk about it are the ones doing the good stuff.

"My manner is that of a SPECIAL OPERATIONS QUIET PROFESSIONAL". The ones who are, live by it.

"I serve with the memory and pride of those who have gone before me, for they loved to fight, fought to win, and would rather die than quit. NSDQ!"
He's a reservist, there for he is nothing. I know a few kids I played hockey with that went reserves and make it seem like they have this horrible life where going to base one weekend a month and doing field training for 2 weeks once a year is "serving out country"

On the flip side I know a few guys who are active and saw action in some of the hottest areas in Iraq and Afghanistan, and those guys don't say much because of loosing guys in their respective units.

Those are the guys I respect, the weekend warriors who bitch about their duties are no better, in my opinion that some drug addict collecting welfare to get high.
Lady, I got buddies who died face down in the muck, so that you & I could enjoy this family restaurant.
He's better than me. I couldn't get the marine reserves to pay for my schools because I was prescribed to adderall.
Military men and women are really cool in my eyes. I do not think they are better than me, and if they give me shit, I let it go because they take a bullet for my beliefs in one way or another.
Well I cannot say if he's better than you but I'm sure your mom thinks that you're better than him.