So is he still interested in me?

Apr 30, 2008
Is he being friendly or is he flirting?
He placed his arm around my lower back... is he flirting?
Some ppl think my ex-bf is flirting with me... what do you think?
The love of my life married someone else after I broke up with him. He saw me recently and it seemed he still has feelings for me. He was quite interested in my dating status. I'm single... I didn't say I'm still in love with him. He was insistent I tell him why I chose to be alone. I said I had been sick and didn't have room in my life for another person. At one point, we were walking side by side and he placed his arm around my lower back. Then he stopped and said... You know what... can you come back to see me soon?

So is he still interested in me? I would love it if he left her and married me.

What do his actions and comments seem like?

I wouldn't do anything until he was single. I think he does deserve to state if he wants me back. Imagine if he found out he could come back THEN decided to leave her. I never said we would cheat. I just want to know if he is hinting to me... feelings.

Don't chastise me and answer what HIS intentions appear to be!!! Please!!!