So My IQ is 159.....what about you?

Your general IQ score is 162.

A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 161 and above is considered to be a "genius".
Your general IQ score is 67.

A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 69 and below is considered to be "far below average intelligence".
It is bullshit because I took a legit IQ test and scored a 132.

120-139 is considered very superior intelligence.

140+ is genius.
According to an actual test for school placement (which, granted, was several years ago), my IQ is 143. I got 135 on this.

Not that that's an indicator, but I don't think any of these online things are accurate.
Shucks, I thenk iz got a bad graeyd on mi clicky screen
I got 157, but that's not right, I think I'm like 135. They probably inflate your scores to make you feel better about your intelligence so you buy their bullshit product.