Soldier murdered in London

PR, I find your lack of understanding and insight into the first amendment to be degrading and insulting to me. I am going to have to ask that you either stop posting on this topic or send them to me to be reviewed or else you will be banned.

Now, if I was a Mod and could enforce this it would have a chilling impact on what and how you post in this forum assuming you wanted to continue posting here.
Who said it was taboo? I think the issue was with making images of the prophet who founded their religion, something that they don't do and that is considered a very serious breach of their believes.

I already said that if they are mocking other religions, that such acts were hypocritical. However, are we not again lumping all Muslims together into one big group? Are all Christians the same? All Jews? All Buddhists? I think most people have a lot of growing up to do until they are grown, and then there is still room for improvement. However, this conversation has continued to happen from a Western perspective from Christian(and some atheist I believe) participation. What we haven't heard, is a Muslim perspective(except for a few video clips).

The question does get back to why any particular religion needs to be made fun of, what are the benefits of doing such, and what potential repercussions there are from doing so in different environments. I can't believe that people are unable to see that there is more at issue than just free speech.
No idea should be above criticism.

However that includes the EDL and Islam.

Religions are by definition based in faith and are therefore not rational,
and that is why they need to be criticised and debated with.
I agree...I'm not sure where I suggested I believed otherwise.

My point is that you can't say 'Islam is a violent religion, but Muslims aren't violent people'. What is a religion if not the beliefs and attitudes of the people who practice it?

Religions are not just a collection of ancient bestsellers.
Holy 1984, is that you BB?

Perhaps it is your understanding that is in need of some thought. It is a bit telling that there is nobody here who can post as a Muslim or from a Muslim perspective, so we just have to express our own Judeo-Christian Western based views on the matter.
The purpose of the first amendment is to give United States of America citizens freedom of speech, grant freedom of religion without persecution, allow assembly and petition of the government.

If you don't have this the rest doesn't matter.
Getting back to good manners...

Ah, to be young and naive again! Guess I'm just jaded. To speak without knowledge is stupidity. To speak with knowledge but no wisdom is folly.
Which looks like you suggest withholding someones right to free speech yourself.


But I may be missing your meaning.

Is free speech only ok if it agrees with your own beliefs?
That's a very quaint and romantic perspective.

How do you know if the rest doesn't matter? Have you ever lived in a country where you didn't have some or any of the above? Did it make you want to die?You should probably get out more before you buy the party line hook, line, and sinker.
That'll teach me to only read a few posts at the end of a thread...but life is too short to spend on a thread that turns to religion and righteousness.

Apologies to those concerned.
I get that, the thing is that "they" cannot separate a non believer from a believer, if you don't believe you should not exist. To a non believer the prophet is just a fictional character, and therefore it is not sacrilegious for them to make fun of. They don't have to like it, it's certainly not justification to kill someone over.

Good question, IDK why does anything have to be made fun of...maybe because it's funny? I like to laugh, I mostly get to laugh at myself, I don't mind if I get made fun of if it's in the right light. Comedians make ton's of money, satire is suppose to be edgy and thought provoking, and a good laugh is healthy.

IDK why we haven't heard the Muslim side...perhaps they are scared to give an opinion?
Please Reality wrote

This is basically the crux of the problem.Back in the 17th century we used to carry out similar punishments to those seen in the more conservative Muslim countries today.We followed the bible to the letter,it really was an eye for an eye.Women were no more than goods and chattels and it wasn't until the end of the Edwardian era that they started to get some kind of equality.Even when I was small child we still had the death penalty for murder,treason and setting fire to a naval dockyard.So at one time we were no different than the conservative Muslims we see today.However,we modernised whilst they stood still.
Again, who are we to say what is and what isn't justification for a Muslim to feel x,y, or z about? Have you researched their religion or are you Muslim? What x Muslim feels miffed about, y Muslim might laugh at. Of course, z Muslim might want your head for it but then again he might not.

I think we haven't heard because apparently this topic hasn't come to the attention of any Muslim MAP member who read it and felt like responding. To say anything else would be a bit disingenuous no?
Ah, the greatness of the Western success model.

Yes, modernization is so great and we have made so much progress from our Manifest Destiny, cars and a picket fence. So how many witches were burned at the stake in the interim? How many abortion clinics blown up? How many children molested by preachers? We have modernized, and? Is modernization always a good thing? Should we try to remake other religions, cultures, and countries in our own image? I mean our most talented were a comedian and a father and son dog act.
I think it's legally ok to do so, but it's also ok for the people being yelled at to yell back. I didn't trample on anyone's right to free speech. They where allowed to speak however they wished, I just responded in kind. Those two exercises in free speech are not mutually exclusive.
Perhaps "reforming" would have been a better choice of words.A lot depends on what they are actually teaching in the schools in Saudi.Sure they may well become better engineers and doctors but the graduates will still hold the same views on creation as their ancestors held in the 7th century.Even in British faith schools students are being taught arcane nonsense and refuse to accept scientific evidence so what hope is there in a country such as Saudi?