Solutions to Global Warming ... ie. mass killing of man, and pesky plants


New member
Jun 3, 2008
... what do you think? My Previous posts (and the best answers)

Global Warming: If People are the Problem shouldn't we all be Pro War?

I mean if you think we have a problem now, just think of how horrible things would have been if we haven't had a violent history of wars that have served to thin out the human population. Even the plague has been greatly benificial in terms of its impact in regards to Global Warming. If we stop complaining and fearing war and actually fight and kill more, and if we stop trying to cure everything, and if we impose population limits such as China has, we could thin out the human population to the point where the Earth could better sustain us, and the impact of man upon Global Warming wouldn't be soo much a problem.

I think Environmentalists at least those against Global Warming should be Pro War, anti-medicine and health, pro-abortion, and pro-limmitting the human population.
My solution to Global Warming ... Kill off all Life... when too much life exists it leads to Global Warming?
Looking back 150 million years ago when the planet was twice as warm as it is now we see a green planet full of life that produced too much carbon and other emisions. When we look at man, man creates all sorts of technological emmisions that harm the planet, but ridding man alone won't prevent the other forms of life messing things up as life has messed things up before. The solution to climate change, global warming is to rid all life, and should that fail to be enough, then to rid either the planet or the sun. Change in temperature should not be allowed, and if this means blowing everthing out of existence, then it just needs to be done even if it is one solar system at a time.
I'm with you, man.

Force the Global Warming-bots to be true to their word. If they really want to combat "global warming" head on, then they should take the steps which will immediately and significantly cut down on CO2.

They can start by spraying the immense Alaskan tundra with herbicide. Tundra is a special ecosystem, and it produces massive amounts of CO2. Make the foo-foo Hollywood crowd, (the ones who attend Global Warming rallies, but ride their in a limousine (like Al Gore), or drive their own Bentley or Hummer), go to Alaska and start killing off all that evil vegetation.

I just want to get a photo of Barbra Streisand's sagging face, perhaps sobbing a bit, as she accidently sprays a cute little Tundra-dwelling animal with herbicide, and has to watch it writhe in pain as it dies.

We are only taught that plants are good. They create oxygen. Ha! Those sneaky plants only do that during the day, when we're watching them.
At night, those dastardly cunning plants use stored sugars produced from CO2 during the day to sustain life when there is no sun. All of the carbon that these green devils take from the air goes into the plant body itself or goes back into the air.

So, maybe we should just cut all of these monstrous CO2-producing traitors down, right? Wrong! That's just what they want us to do. When the plant dies, all of the carbon from the plant body goes back into the air as CO2 as the plant decomposes. The body of the plant is nothing but stored CO2, a veritable eco-bomb in disguise.

Oh the treachery of these plants! I feel like torturing my geraniums.
Here's the rub with me on Global Warming. America is being told what light bulbs to use, what to drive, how to drive it and being infringed on all things that our liberties say we shouldn't. China, India and Mexico have no environmental laws and contribute more to pollution and "carbon foot prints" than any other countries in the world. Obama's Senate Bill S2433 puts us under the Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto punishes America's industry and will force more jobs and companies to move off shore but allows China, India and Mexico to pollute as much as they want.
China has forced population control with mobile abortion clinics. Kyoto has provisions for population control much like China does. Read Senate Bill S2433 and the Kyoto Protocol. The Senate Bill has already passed the House vote. Oh and by the way, this Obama Bill also turns over to the U.N. 846 billion dollars of taxpayers money to the U.N. besides what we give to other countries. It also puts us under several treaties that turn over to the U.N. much of our sovereignty and allows the U.N. to make law for the U.S.
I like the way you think. I wouldn't be as extreme about it but you have the right idea.

i think U are right. To be effective we will need to kill at least 3 billion people...

Yeah, I think nuclear winter is the solution.