Someone suggest an interesting insect topic to do a 5 page paper on?


May 15, 2008
I have to find an interesting topic for my class.

I wanted to do "various defenses of honeybees" cause I know some cant do much against wasps while others heat them to death...but its already taken.

Thanks fellas
Do it on ladybugs.I have 2 in a jar at my house.They are very interesting,did u know that the male ladybugs are smaller than the female.O and they go through a whole life cycle.A egg,Larva,Pupa,and finally a ladybug.Larvas can eat up to 50 aphids a day!It also takes 3 weeks for the whole process.Hope i could help!
I don't feel u'll find much on ur chosen topic but nevertheless it's ur choice.
I think the way honeybees find their way to the flower is even more interesting especially the bee dance part.
but it's solely ur choice.

best of luck!