Soy Milk - Truth Vs. Rumor?


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Ive herd so much stuff about how soy milk is really good for you and such, and then ive herd how it can have feminizing effects and it boosts estrogen levels and such. I drink soy milk and now its really starting to confuse me whether i should keep drinking it from hearing all this rubbish. Anyone got any hard facts on this case?
Ok. Here's my story. I converted to soy milk last December, in an effort to be healthier. My menstual cycle started getting all out of whack. I was not myself. I suddenly started to cry on the spot, and I am not a cryer by nature. I was unusually defensive, my moods were back and forth (brutally exhausting), and my skin started breaking out. Worst of all, I was beginning the happiest point of my life and I could not for the life of me figure out what was going on. I did all kinds of stuff to try to alleviate what was going on, like taking supplements and herbs, stuff like that. This went on for almost 8 months. Never suspected soy as the culprit.
Now. It so happened that I called the local co-op to find out if they had a product I was looking for (geranium oil, another desperate solution), and they didn't have any. The woman who I was speaking to is a naturopath and asked me about my diet. I proudly told her about my soymilk habit, amongst other things that were also contributing to this craziness, evening primrose oil and flax. As soon as she heard soymilk, she said stop. Now. It's called estrogen dominance and it's very real. Do a search. Soy is a drug, a very potent drug. You can not trust the soy industry, and no, I am not a big meat eater. Soy is poison. The reason people are misguided is the result of a hugely successful marketing campaign. I tell you from personal experience only, I got my life back after I stopped soy. And as far as the Asian myth, they mostly use soy as a condiment, not the staple like everybody thinks. And they ferment it, too, because they know the soybean needs to go through that process before it is edible. Also, did you know that Japenese housewives serve tofu to their husbands when they want to decrease their sex drive (for whatever reason!)?Anyway, try going to they have a lot of info. Just wanted to share my personal story cause more people need to know about this and unless they look around they're never going to know just how dangerous this drug is. I know first-hand.