speech introduction attention getter?


Mar 20, 2008
hi everyone,I am starting my first year in college,and I have to do a self introductory speech.this is how my teacher will want us to present the speech.

introduction(i know how to do this)
Attention getter(how do I go about this)
thesis(dont know what this is)
preview(preview what????)

can someone please tell me how to do everyone of them and how i will present it.
(im lost,I need help asap lol)thanks in advance
Attention getter- a story about you that is shocking, unusual, something that makes them want to hear more
Thesis- the point of your essay (a one sentence summary).
Preview- a preview of what the rest of your speech is going to talk about (very brief)
Your thesis is just basically one sentence that summarizes what you are going to talk about in your speech, it's very simple. I think it goes together with the preview, they seem like they would be the same to me. All you really need to do is say something to draw the audience in and make a statement (thesis) containing the material you are going to cover.