Speling mistakes


Mar 4, 2008
Per line how many spelling mistakes do you have in your posts to MAP when you submit them? Do you proof read the posts before you submit them or are you like me and you just submit them then spot the mistakes later and use the edit button to fix them?

I'm asking because recently I seem to be making more and more mistakes.

b.t.w did you spot it?
I always edit my posts when I make mistakes after the fact and while I am typing I sometimes catch them. I type approx. 75 words a minute so I tend to make a few

Anyways, I seem to always be editing spelling mistakes in thread titles..... just makes it easier for members to do Searches here if subjects are spelled correctly.

Yeah you're missing an "L" in SPELLING in the title... should I correct?
Yes, in the title

Normally only one or two typos from me, and I normally proof-read my posts quickly, just to make sure I make sense
i make lots of spelling mistakes for one exceptionally good reason - i can't spell. but i tend to proof read my posts for typos etc and just fess up to the spelling mistakes i know about
i make a lot of spelling mustakes, mainly because i can't spell.

i do usually proof read my posts before i post just to make sure that they make sence.
My spelling is not the best so I type it in Word to correct the spelling then copy it to the post. Can a spell check be added to the post page? Man that would sure help me out.
If you have Firefox you can use

For IE you can use

Also http://www.tucows.com/preview/307990.html is a freeware spell checker that works in form windows and on various forums.... incl. this one also I'm assuming.
I don't really care about spelling mistakes. As long as its readible I don't care. I mean, many words in English have stupid, illogical spellings anyway. Take the word spelling for instance. Why do we need two ls in the word? One will do fine!
I'm a bit of a language fascist; having an English degree, it kind of goes with the territory. I usually try to get all my spelling and graofftopicr correct, and will usually edit the post if I've made a mistake, but if I make one here and there, I don't lose much sleep over it Mainly I try to spell as best I can on here because w3n i c m3ssigis liek dis it g3tz r1te on me nurvs
hay i used to do that but dont that much any more, so stop complaining, most people on here arn't that bad when it comes to puntuation and spelling

btw i never spotted the spelling error but realise it now
Looks like I struck a nerve
To clarify - I'm not complaining about genuine mistakes. Typos, being unsure how to spell certain words and so on; that's perfectly fine and I'm guilty of that too now and then. It's when people deliberately spell things wrong, be it by using text-speak, popping a "Z" in where there should be an "S" or - worst of all - the tragically hip "133t 5p33k" (what's that all about, by the way? Anybody know?) - that annoys me. Maybe I'm just getting old.
I'm too busy hitting the guy to worry about whether I have splet the word right

Anyway if I wanted to spell correctly I would have taken up teaching English not MA
I almost always scan my post through word before posting it. That's a necessity for a foreigner who usually doesn't even spell correctly in his native language.
I normally just post my replies then notice the spelling mistakes. For some reason the edit doesn't normally seem to work for me. I can spell fine when I'm writing with a pen, but I make tons of mistakes on computers. Probably because I miss out letters and you don't really get the feeling of the word.