Speling mistakes

So the edit works for everyone but you? Not so sure of that .... but you can go to those links I submitted above.

They werk !
Depends on how rushed for time I am. I don't think I have many spelling mistakes though my graofftopicr probably could use some work.
I just don't care most of the time, lol. I am a horrid typist, and unless the post is littered with mistakes, I can let it be unless I have a major point to make. I spend enough time at work worrying about my grasp of the English language, ain't gonna worry too much on a forum!
i allways check ym graofftopicr and typos because if i dontt then the posts normaly come out liike this and that looks silly!!!1!

On a serious note, though, I almost always scan through my writing before I submit it. I never edit unless I have made a mistake.

My dad always uses the Preview button! Weirdo!
Your ability to edit your posts is time-limited so you need to check for errors immediately after you've posted.

Listen, the ocassional typo or actual misspelling of a word is not a sin people.

I just can't get over how many people are being verbally accosted over this.
Oyy! I resemble that remark!!! (I like to see my use of 'smilies' are working and correct - and it gives me a chance to scan what I've written).

My spelling tends to fall down on the double-letters and the vowel sounds - I can stare at a word for minutes and still swap i's for e's, etc.

Spell checkers are handy - but as I tell my beginners in computing:

Eye marked you're exam an will knot tell a sole watt eyesore their.
My dad sits there (He's mod of a fairly large forum) and types a message. He'll click preview, then not scan, but read the message and then submit. He will shout at me "Does this sound right?" (No, it's not just graofftopicr!).

He's never made a single typo/error (I swear he hasn't lol), and gets really annoyed if he has - "beep" he says the other day whilst looking through an email he sent maybe 2 months ago, "I missed an l out on *woteva word*".
I usually try to get the words spelled correctly. Come on people... it's called dictionary.com and it's free. There are a couple different issues about spelling:

1) If you can't be bothered to spell a word correctly... why bother to post?

2) It takes all of two seconds to proof/edit what you posted.

3) It helps to make your point more concise. You end up looking silly if your working hard to prove your point or explain your position but you can't spell basic words correctly.

4) I find it hilarious that people are on continuously about the discipline one needs to have in order to grasp/study/master a martial art... but they can't be arsed to spell correctly. They're all so mystical or tough until it comes to spelling. LOL!

5) Spelling inccorrectly remarks are often pulled when one person is in a heated arguement with another and needs to shore up they're arguement by diverting the attention to the other persons spelling.

6) Sometimes the whole 'spelling errors' strategy backfires and then individuals make it even worse by taking the 'Nationalist' or 'static language' stance. Of course, they just end up looking foolish.

At the end of the day or sentence, the odd spelling mistake or graofftopicr mistake isn't going to kill anyone. But if your on an internet forum where you lack the ability for facial expressions and body language to help convey points... why would you also give up spelling correctly?! Seems more like it comes down to being lazy. Were not looking for exam quality writing but some of the mistakes are so over the top... it makes you wonder how they get by in the rest of their lives.

That being said though... I still laugh everytime someone types:

Don't know if it's already been posted, but it appears that the starter of this thread needs a spell-checker...

The title should read "spelling mistakes", not "speling mistakes"...
LOL, I never check my spelling, dont really care how badly I spell, Im done with school.

I will only check if im laughing at someone else for bad spelling.

Notice the rest of the people on the 'spell correctly' team get nervous and shuffle their feet... cough* cough*

Holy Jesus! This turning out to be the comedy/confession forum.

In... *ahem* ... all seriousness ladies and gents...

Grammer I don't bother much with (NOOO!!! really?) - but basic spelling... come on... it ain't that hard.
Just because it is easy for you does not make it easy for me.

by the way, you spelled graofftopicr wrong, and no only has one o in it.