Spiritually speaking, do you like cigarettes as much as I do?


Jul 7, 2008
Sure they're kinda gross, make you feel terrible, cost a lot, and are moderately addictive, but everyone knows that when it comes right down to it they're cool as shit.

Plus a kiss always tastes better from a smoker. Seems weird I know but non smokers always have a strange taste and it's not in a good way.
Nah, I never gave in to the pressure. So, since my friends would never try to make me smoke cigarettes, I see no reason to do so today now that I don't really think it makes me cool. I'm not saying people only smoke because they think they're cool, though, I'm saying that many people start out because of that. At least that's the case with well... Everyone I know. Can't say I stayed away from the trees, though, but who did?
I like cigarettes. But I like taquitos better. They're longer, thicker, and taste better.

Of course I could say the same about penis. Maybe not tasting better. Depends.
Forget all these negative nellies! Smoking is a gift from God, I'm going to have one right now and find someone to make out with!