Spoiled stupidly rich kids


Apr 14, 2008
This weekend I met this 20 year old chinese kid. Nice enough kid, didn't really contribute much to social situations. I then found out that his parents bought him a BRAND NEW fucking range rover AND a BRAND NEW Aston Martin Vantage. Not to mention they pretty much fly him and his friends where ever they want for the weekend.

I don't understand these fucking trust fund babies. I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like for them. I've had to work for 95% of things in my life.

Just a rant.

EDIT: Facebook profile: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=21005381

My bad, its a vantage not a DB9.
I would like a big mac and a large coke. Also I need two large frys and a cherry pie. Well make that two large cokes and a need a McChicken also.
girl in my grade, (my ex actually) got a red '08 vette for her 16th
im thinking about asking her out again, just for a ride.
(her and the car)
1. get him to steal his dad's credit card
2. go buy hookers
3. play halo in a hotel room with said hookers
5. profit
Yeahh ughh no.....this is why

Credit card theft= jail= cockmeat sandwich from bubba

hookers=STD's=No sex=suicide

Halo=gay+you=no friends

Profit...no :dodgy: