ST: What are some Frat pledging stories you know?

I go to school at Indiana University of Penn, IUP. I joined a frat and had the time of my life pledging the first semester. We party 4 out of 7 days. Usually get 4 or 5 kegs of natty light. None of my brothers have raped any girls although there is another frat does. And another frat that are completely made of bros. I dont find me or any of my brothers to be fags though. I too would love to linch a brah.

Reading people's comments in here is a great way for me to get some lulz between studying.

And for anyone bashing fraternities... Have you ever visited a house NOT during a party to meet some of the guys, be it rushing or just stopping by?
I just get a kick out of the girls that don’t understand why they are getting free drinks... "Oh those guys are so great; they give us all the free beer we want!" Yeah, I wonder why :dodgy:

I’ve just come off with a poor opinion of most frats through personal experience. That said, I'm not trying to bash all frats, as I know several upstanding people who have pledged.
meaning he was the true social outcast in highschool, and it has carried through to college because no frats would take him, he never is allowed to go to their parties and spends his days off school sitting in his dark dorm alone..

but other than that. im sadly still in highschool, no where near a college so i do not know of anything that happens there :ugh:
its funny cause half of the people talking shit have never been a part of the greek system. Down here in Georgia, fraternity guys don't pop the collar or wear baggy cargo shorts with flip flops. we're not all douchebags
Lol. And you're telling me that even half the people on ST is or was socially accepted in high school?

Good one.
So many uninformed people in here. Not even half of the fraternities in the country are like the stereotypes you idiots describe. You guys are either still in high school and are just repeating the same garbage you hear from your buddies, or are socially inept and are still in that rebellious , non-conformist phase in your life. :rolleyes:

I have not gotten hazed in my pledge process and will not get hazed. In fact, no fraternities on my campus really haze at all. In fact, all leadership positions in my school are something like 83% Greek. Yeah, what losers, eh?
A word from the wise: Just drink when the frats have parties, don't join them.