Still Praising Trinity Godhead! Father Jehovah Elohim(Gen. 2:4-25)Jesus...

Nov 19, 2008
...Christ, and Holy Spirit! 1 John 5:5-10? Thanks for always understanding that They are always first in my life. Mark 12:29-31; Luke 10:27; Matthew 22:37-40; Exodus 20; Deut.5.
We are to witness to everybody and I do even here. Mark 16:15-20; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20.
I am still human like the rest of you.
So here's the question ( thanks for the patience!Psalms 40:1; 2 Peter 1:5-9)
Just got out of bath done prayed, 2 Timothy 2:15 studied my Holy Bible ( read Daniel 5) Then past memories flashed through my human brain.
We all have them we have lived the past, yes Luke 9:62 also to good Christians here I know this also.
My biological parents commited fornication while they were 17 in high school, I was conceived in a field, ( Mom told me at age 5) Dad told me I was rubber busted baby and wasn't meant to be here.
Now God has another plan I understand this also and am extremely firm in my Faith and still growing every day.
The serious question I have is this, ( John 16 also helped in this; Psalms 27; and other passages)
Since birth I've pretty much felt like I'm really not wanted, That people simply put up with me because I'm here. None of us asked to be born we just were Thank God ok. Some were aborted and never even got a chance at life and I'm ill about this( another subject).
How in human terms, after prayer fastings, Holy Bible study, ( I live alone and have year or so now, Remember now God, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit Trinity ( Genesis 1:26; Matthew 28:18-20; John 3; 14; 15;16; Acts 2:38-39; 19:1-10; 1 John 5:5-10; 2 Peter 1:17-21; Revelation 2-3; Holy Spirit found in Old Testiment before Jesus came, in Psalms 51-53, and many other places)
How to get rid of ( without dieing God's not done with me yet so I'll shut that down also, I'm NOT suicidal I do love life, will die when God's through with me alright)
That point made, and No I don't take any drugs for any who want to know).
How do I live with knowing world hates me so and I so love all them so? I dearly love everybody God created and help all I can, I sometimes say no to people, 2 Cor 6:14 I won't be pulled back into devil's traps and snares when gift of discernment kicks in either 1 Cor 12:10; when tempted 1 Cor 10:13.
I'm just lonely and when people see no smoking, drugging, drinking,cussing, nothing ungodly in here please as sign on front door, they don't usually even want to come over unless their sold out to God; Jesus Christ and have Holy Spirit also.
I don't own anything that even represents satan, I am puer Christian and Street Minister. Been preaching for 13 years now and lost wife because of it She divorced me, Now I believe she's dead and am moving on with own life.
If anyone understands please answer. I am aiming towards true believers in Jesus Christ and a Biblical approach,\
Working on a Holy Bible study on Loneliness also maybe that will help.
I go out in public, most people are getting very mean, and greedy.
I'm not and won't grow weary in doing good either.
Thanks in advance Jesus loves you and I pray everyone's fully repentive of all sins.
Have a Blessed one Jesus loves ya and so do I in the Lord.
Keep looking up He's coming back soon!
Hi Alton...Look up John 15:18... I know what loneliness is but I have had to over come this feeling because it just makes life tough-fer. Satan still roams this planet like a lion ready to devour all whom he can. I am sorry your wife left you and I am sorry I have sounded unkind. I don't know why I do that, I guess I want people to fight back when others are unkind but I haven't been able to do this myself. Lot of people have been brought up in families that really did not want them and this one has always been a hard one to swallow even if you make it to 60. God keeps telling us not to return evil for evil and I know you don't. You are a kind Soul. Women show their teeth more I think and I hate that about me. I am so asking help not to do this. Be thankful that you love all man kind and don't feel upset too much when they don't love back. Women since they use both sides of their brain get a double whammy. Both sides of brain is not a cut, just science and I don't think its such a gift either. Hang in there Alton, go where nature is beautiful and enjoy just being with God like Enoch always did. God knows your heart and He is the best friend we could ask for. I center on that constantly. Love you in Christ..missleslie