Stock market is soaring today. What happened to the leftists' dire...


Dec 3, 2009
...predictions of gloom and doom after GOP win? I thought the liberals said the stock market was crashing because of the GOP win.

Why is the stock market soaring instead?

Market down => blame GOP

Market up => credit to Obama

sarrafz, REALLY?????????

SUDDENLY the liberals notice the GOP didn't take office yet.

Wow, how selective can you get.
LOL - GM, you remember vilifying "Government Motors" don't you, raised billions and reduced evil Obama's % ownership from 60%+ to 33%.

This is a roaring OBAMA success. Your GOP/TP played no part in today's bounce. Just like the TP sell-outs will be less than irrelevant in 12 months.
What have the neo-cons done to cause this? They aren't in office yet. Could it be? Could it be that Obama's economic policies are taking shape? Well, that'd be a victory for the left, then, wouldn't it.
In all honesty.. The big jump the day after election day was because of the elections

Today it's something else.

Today is about two thing only.

GM's IPO .. Back in the market again.

And the falling dollar is making investors move out of cash and into stocks in an attempt to retain value.
Now that is because of the 600 Billion the Feds printed a couple weeks back.
When it plummets, it's the GOP's fault. When it soars, it's something Obama did.

Don't you have the lefty liberal rulebook memorized by now?