Stock related terms?


New member
Apr 21, 2008
Im doing a project and it asked for 5 stock related terms. I have NO idea what that means. Can someone please exsplain?
Oh, I see. I chose motorola for mine because it had to be NYSE.

Do I just pick five other phone companies?
...that's hardly what I meant, but I really have no clue. Maybe stock market 'terms' actually means something specific, I googled it, but to no avail. Maybe it just means terms (as in glossary of terms) that have to do with the stock market?
I only will lose 5 points if its wrong. You're idea sounds a lot better than mine.


Penn State FTW.
Well that problem is that I was sick when we did it in school and she is giving me one day to do it so I can't go in and ask what she meant.
i know bull is a term.

it means somthing like the market is strong for a certain group of people i think.
Hah, thats why i posted that link. Thanks for the PSU support though :tup:

edit-you don't want synonyms for dictionary, I doubt thats the assignment. jk ;)