Stress Over Summer Vacation?!?


May 13, 2008
since the last day of my junior year (now a senior!) i have been stressed. i am worried about how my senior year is going to go. i think it will be like hell and very hard because i have autism. my boyfriend broke up with me on the last day of school because he is now going off to college. a few days after graduation, he got hit by a car (concussion, broken hand, very nasty road rashes). he is alright now. on the last day of school one of my ex's said he wants to go back out with me (he is a player and he cheated on me before BTW ). he started rambling on how much he loves me and wants to marry me and all that crap. i told my mom about all this and i cant see a therapist for all of this. sometimes i forget about all that crap, but it still comes back. i was wondering if any of you have any type of advice. thx
Hey :) don't worry about your senior year and don't stress out, you will be fine! Just think positive and believe in yourself. Each day tell yourself "My SENIOR YEAR will be my best High School year!" I was stressed out as well when summer 2009 came and I realized I was now a SENIOR (back then). But I kept telling myself "I will make this year unforgettable and the best year of High School!" I wish the best for you and I Hope you have an amazing Senior Year! :) Remember to think positive and believe in yourself! :)