Summer Job Thread

;47214559']Summer camp counselor. It's a Christian adventure camp and the greatest place on earth.

On any given day I will do atleast five or six of the following:

Rock climb
Drive the Air Natique
Swim in the pool
Swim in the lake
Cliff dive
Do high ropes
Zip line

And i'll always be a positive role model for kids. I'll also see my friends from last summer and meet new friends who will last a life time. Between groups of kids it's pretty much 40 college kids hanging out at the lake, with everything camp has at your expense.

I also wopnt pay a penny of rent or pay for a single meal all summer. I won't pay for a drop of gas all summer either, because camp reimburses me for my travel expenses, and has a tab at the marina for the boats. It's the greatest thing you could spend a summer doing. Plus, you get a huge payday at the end of summer.
i already work for Kleinschmit Truckin Inc.
so there during summer
-workin for my neighbor when he needs help
-workin at home, got goats and pigs, and chickens
-work at a local convenience store (my parents own one)
-other random shit
You don't want to work there.

Trust me.

It's not all fun and games. In fact it's no fun and absolutely no games. Most of your customers are either macho idiots looking for a copy of the new Madden or moms/grandmas that think Elmo's Number Adventure would be a good game for their teenage grandson.
caddy... hopefully getting a full ride scholarship through the country club.
Im working at my local single A baseball field as a camera man. fuckin sucks :(
ive tried several places so far unsuccessful... but i have an interview tmrw for a 40 hour a week job in a ware house thats like 10$ an hour... one of my buddies already got one there and his dad retired from the same place so i got my hopes up... and if that doesnt work out... service detailing company.. pizza hut.